Tuesday, April 6, 2010

They grow in their sleep!

I've heard older people talk about children growing in their sleep. I've always thought that was just one of those things that old people say. Since Emmy, I've decided that they really do grow up in their sleep. Today Emmy woke up a little less baby and a little more big kid. She played in her Jumperoo and on a blanket on the floor happily all day. She seems like such a "big kid" in her Jumperoo. The Jumperoo is a seat suspended by springs and surrounded by toys that plays music when the baby jumps. When Charles came in this evening he realized that she knows how to operate it. I thought she was just wiggling and bouncing at will. He figured out that she was waiting to until the music stopped and then jumping to make it start back. She is so stinkin' smart. We better get to work on that college savings account!

Amazingly, Emmy and I didn't take any pictures today.

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